A call for submissions

We are looking for essays and short memoirs by gay men about growing up for an anthology to be published by Carroll & Graf / Avalon in the Fall of 2006. We’re not necessarily looking for coming out stories or “the first time I had gay sex” stories as much as essays about what it is like to be a child or an adolescent with that strange, indefinable gay sensibility. As a gay kid, how did you view the world? What shaped you, affected you, influenced you, moved you? How did other people perceive you, react to you? And how did you perceive other people, those who weren’t “special,” like you?

Our inspiration are anthologies like Patrick Merla’s Boys Like Us, Bruce Shenitz’s The Man I Might Become, and Robert Tranchtenberg’s When I Knew (the essays, not the photographs, though we do love those pictures!)


November 15, 2005


3,000 to 8,000 words
12 point Times New Roman
Double spaced
Your name on every page

Include a cover letter with the following info:

Mailing address
Brief bio, with your publications, if any
Email address
A phone number

And please include a self-addressed stamped envelope!

After September 14, 2005, please send submissions to:

Rob & Ted’s Anthology
9148-J Regents Road
La Jolla, California 92037